Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year's Chills

It's the second week of January and the mercury dropped to freezing last night along coastal Carlsbad, and even lower ten or fifteen minutes inland.  Baby, it's chilly outside, and inside too.  The funny thing about Californians is that we go outside in the winter to warm up, because it's always nice in the sun.  Inside the house, the chill from the night before lingers, so we pile on layers to keep warm.  Only when it's excruciating do we turn up the thermostat while the sun's still out.  Climate change is everywhere, the paper says, with extremes in all directions. 

Before the planet turns into another ice age or fiery ball, I've decided I'd better document my resolutions for 2013.   For some reason, throughout the past many years, I've been a fairly faithful goal setter.  I equate it to a positive attitude about life overall.   If you say what you want, you just might get it.  Seems to work a lot of the time.   So here goes -- my list for 2013:
  • Enter a post on my blogpage at least once a week
  • Add a warm yoga class to my exercise routine, for 3 days of yoga plus 3 days of gym a week
  • Take another UCSD class on fiction writing (check -- last Wednesday)
  • Ship my YA novel off to a publisher/editor/agent by April
  • Hike at least once a month
  • Eat really good food during the week and kick alcohol and other treats to the weekends
  • Pull up worn carpet in the living/dining room and lay down hardwoods (check -- on Monday)
  • Do something with my daughters monthly and my sister at least twice a month
  • Do something fun with grandkids at least once a month
  • Plan more time with writer friends and girlfriends
  • Do a good deed for someone outside my family daily
  • Host another bitchin' Kentucky Derby Party the first Saturday in May!
Okay, I want to travel too, but that's something I wouldn't ignore or have to motivate myself to do.  Dan's bridge and golf pursuits take us to the desert once or twice a year where hiking options are plentiful for me, and a timeshare in Cabo is on the calendar for March.  Maybe I'll add a girls trip or other trip on top of that.  Mostly, in 2013 I'm excited about a brand new year full of promise and possibilities.  In fact, most days bring a smile to my face.  Sometimes it erupts into sheer joy -- for being alive and healthy and thriving in the USA!